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With cases of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) causing a devastating global impact, employees and contractors have been forced into remote working situations to deliver both mission critical and day-to-day tasks. This unprecedented shift to telework has brought cybersecurity to the forefront of enterprise threats and challenges.

DayBlink has identified some of the top threats that newly remote employees currently face. Below is an explanation of how cyber criminals are using new and existing tactics to target employees who are working from home, with the scare of COVID-19:

What’s New?

  • Phishing and phone scams predicated on COVID-19 fears have vastly accelerated.
  • Cyber criminals are sending emails claiming to be from official organizations, such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with data, updates, and health advice about the pandemic.  
  • Malicious URLs to COVID-19 world maps lead to malware loaded websites. 
  • Fraudsters are requesting donations for research charities.
  • COVID-19 smishing attacks have begun, with cyber criminals requesting health records and personal information.

If you have any questions regarding cyber threats related to COVID-19 or would like additional insight into implementing the cybersecurity measures mentioned above, please contact: 
Michael Morgenstern  –
Jacob Armijo  –
Neeraj Dalvi  – 


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