As we continue to operate in a hybrid model, organizations are stuck. Virtual is not providing a space for efficient working conditions nor growing company culture, and going into the office is creating a disgruntled employee base. While both options are optimal for some, the availability of choice has created friction. Many have landed on a hybrid model, where employees travel to an office on a reduced but standard cadence. However there are many unknowns in this model, which mainly center around company culture. How do we ensure we can generate a quality company culture in a hybrid model where people don’t want to always be in the office nor spend more time than what is required in front of their computer screen? We’re searching for strategies to improve company culture in the hybrid model under these difficult circumstances.
Learn more in the latest insight from DayBlink Consulting’s Strategy & Execution Group.
About the Authors
Emily Schepisi is a Consultant within DayBlink Consulting’s Strategy & Execution Group.
Harry Baker is a Manager within DayBlink Consulting’s Strategy & Execution Group.
Mike Moore is a Partner and Practice Lead of DayBlink Consulting’s Strategy & Execution Group.