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A large Healthcare provider engaged DayBlink Consulting to conduct a rapid assessment of its data protection function, with a special focus on protecting data in the Cloud. The executive team of a large US Healthcare organization wanted to determine the best use of their multi-million dollar technology investment. To understand how to best use this investment, they requested that the security team identify a list of major capability gaps. Data Protection was chosen as the first of 10 domains to be assessed.


The Data Protection team had previously focused primarily on data loss prevention. Some of the data classification, tagging and governance responsibilities were shared across multiple teams leading to redundancy in toolsets and lack of a clear data protection strategy. The security organization was asked to identify a toolset that would ensure data protection both on premise and in the Cloud, while still accounting for current data protection functionality as well as addressing any gaps identified during the assessment.


DayBlink Consulting led the assessment, beginning with targeted discovery sessions with key stakeholders. Through structured interviews and documentation review, we mapped findings at a granular level to individual owners. We structured data to allow for multi-level reporting, and built a reporting tool for subsequent assessment cycles. Findings were supplemented with market research for leading data protection tools and adjacent enablement tools.

All opportunities were scored, categorized and then placed on a roadmap to support the organization’s strategic initiatives. We used this methodology and framework to assess maturity of the Data Protection capability and drafted a playbook for repeating the process with the remaining 9 domains. Each opportunity profile that we produced identified actionable projects that would mature the cybersecurity and/or resiliency capabilities of the team. We packaged the data and recommendations in a BI tool and provided templates for reporting and tracking these opportunities.


The client added more than 35 refined improvement opportunities to its multi-year roadmap and began executing against them. Many of the major opportunities related to the ability to classify and track data in the Cloud, as on-prem was already much more mature and the organization leveraged different cloud providers for different solutions. Our team helped design the future tech stack that could maintain better coverage and capabilities than the current tools and allow for scalability to cloud-based applications as more and more of the infrastructure migrated from data centers.