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Lost in Translation: Overlooking Culture Integration in M&A

Even though it’s widely known that culture alignment is important for business success, it’s often overlooked, especially within M&A scenarios. In many cases, there are clear operational and financial synergies that justify the transaction, and yet lacking culture alignment has led to countless failed integrations. Follow the link below to learn more about why cultural […]

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Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency Through JIT & Process Refinements

A Supply Chain is a network of organizations, people, processes, and resources involved in the production and delivery of products or services to an end consumer. This network involves a flow of goods which can involve procurement of raw materials, manufacturing, storage, distribution, delivery to customers, and recovery of goods. But, Supply Chain is more […]

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How to Build Culture in a Hybrid Work Environment

As we continue to operate in a hybrid model, organizations are stuck. Virtual is not providing a space for efficient working conditions nor growing company culture, and going into the office is creating a disgruntled employee base. While both options are optimal for some, the availability of choice has created friction. Many have landed on […]

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Attracting and Retaining Talent through Career Empowerment

For the first time in nearly two decades, it is a job seeker’s market, and organizations are scrambling to reassess compensation packages and working arrangements to accommodate shifting employee priorities, win in the battle for talent, and avoid the “Great Resignation.” Fewer companies, however, have focused efforts on the longer-term strategies that are critical to […]

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Transforming Financial Operations to Account for Increased Employee Turnover

Companies of all sizes are facing the reality of increased employee turnover, requiring departments to do more work with less help. In our latest one-pager from DayBlink’s Finance Transformation group, read about what steps Finance can take to effectively manage these challenging times. About the Authors Phillip Carrington is a Consultant within DayBlink’s Financial Transformation Center of […]

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Position Paper

Effective Engagement for Remote Communications

The ability to accommodate a remote work environment is no longer just a competitive edge – it is now an organizational “must-have.” What started as a short-term solution has quickly become a mainstay, and with it comes the opportunity to drive stronger connections between the organization and its workforce. In this position paper, the DayBlink […]

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Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) as a Talent Attractor

There are countless factors at play in the ongoing race for talent. An emerging differentiator for employees is Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores. More than ever, employees want to associate with companies that meet their needs, while also making a positive impact on society. About the Authors Chloe Spetalnick is a Consultant within DayBlink’s Organization […]

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Remote Work Leadership

Prior to COVID-19, many organizations expected a gradual transition of some employees to remote work. Now, faced with a sudden and prolonged shift to nearly 100% remote-work, leaders must build long-term strategies to ensure engaged, productive, and inspired employees. About the Authors Ken Merritt is a Partner and the Practice Lead for DayBlink’s Organization & People […]

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The Future of Work is Here

The future of work is here– and with it comes new responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities. There are several factors to consider now, so you can lead in the future. Learn more about what trends business leaders should be prepared to tackle in order to optimize performance and expand opportunities for growth in the new landscape. […]

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