Jacob Rosner

Jacob Rosner

Manager & General Counsel

“You did a banner job on a tight deadline.” – Client

Jacob is a JD with experience as a cable industry program manager as well as in corporate legal strategy. He leverages his legal and business background and experience in strategy and execution-based roles to drive client initiatives. Jacob enjoys working closely with clients to identify business problems, create project plans, and formulate solutions.

Prior to DayBlink, Jacob was an attorney with private municipal lien investors with a focus on real estate and tax lien investments. He provided strategic advice on conducting business in new markets, liability issues, and contractual drafting and interpretation, including real estate contracts and insurance contracts.

  1. Proudest accomplishment

    His family – a beautiful wife and two sons.

  2. Favorite author

    Kurt Vonnegut

  3. When he’s not in the office

    Jacob can be found either hanging out with his family or at a concert.





Program Management
Contract review
Contract drafting
Executive Presentation
Project Management