Process Optimization and Automation at a Fortune 50 Company

DayBlink resources were contracted by a leading manufacturer to assess an internal audit process, optimize it, and develop an automation solution to improve the overall efficiency and communication within the internal audit organization. DayBlink was able to streamline the process, evenly distribute the responsibilities, and deliver an automation solution that not only saved time, but also reduced operational risk for the firm.


DayBlink collected process feedback from over 50 key stakeholders and held focus groups to identify opportunities for improvement in the audit process. DayBlink resources were then able to redesign the process and distribute key responsibilities more evenly to optimize the flow of information through a previously burdensome and iterative approval process. The team also developed audit conduct strategies and best practices to increase transparency and improve preparation for the audit teams on the ground.

Once completing this assessment and redesign, the team developed a strategy to approach the development of a software solution to automate communications. Through an Agile approach, DayBlink designed, built, and delivered an entity-tracking system with status and assignment automation capabilities. The team also developed support documentation to assist in change management as the new process and toolkit was rolled out to the broader organization.


DayBlink’s audit support toolkit allowed the client to reduce the burden of audits on their employees by cutting manual email load by almost 90%, automating task assignments and reducing the overall operational risk.  The team also enabled KPI tracking to measure process health and foster continuous improvement.